Since the founding of America it has never been in worse shape than it is right now — in almost every way imaginable. Every civilization in all 5,000 years of recorded history has gone though the same process, without fail: from Emergence, to Growth, to its Peak, to Decline, to Decadence, and finally to Collapse. Many global analysts are convinced that America is in the final stage of civilization, called Late Decadence, and is moving closer to Collapse every day. History tells us that when that happens, the whole world will fall into a prolonged season of massive turmoil and turbulence unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. History also tells us that the Church around the world always declines during those seasons of upheaval. God has an answer for the USA which will delay this inevitable civilizational collapse and allow the global Church to continue to grow, but His answer will require many more full-time christian workers than we currently have. Maybe He is calling you to join us at this critical moment in history just like God called Esther to rise up and become the hero He destined her to be in order to save the Israelites from disaster:
Spiritually, the USA is one of only 20 countries out of approximately 195 in the world where the growth rate of the Church is not keeping up with the growth rate of the population. Churches are closing at a rate that’s never been seen before in the history of the USA. 60% of our 18 year-olds raised in even the best churches walk away from their faith by age 22, never to return.
Missions sending from America has declined 32% — for the first time in spiritual history! We’ve lost about 40,000 full-time American missionaries since the year 2000, which is devastating the harvest fields of the world.
Socially, the breakdown of the family is ripping apart the very fabric of our society and bringing destruction to our whole nation. It’s causing major social problems in our cities, inner cities, and in our schools, producing severe problems which seem unfixable to many experts. U.S. Census Data shows that the number of children living in single-parent homes has nearly doubled in the past 50 years! 43% of caucasian kids and 72% of black kids now live in single-parent homes. Studies show a clear link between fatherlessness and increased levels of violence, drug and alcohol abuse, psychological and mental illness, significantly lower levels of performance in school, and an increase in suicide.
The Education System in America is at an all-time low. The USA spends 4 times as much per student as the other developed countries, but our students place somewhere around 32nd in the world in learning and performance. The predominance of politically left-leaning professors in the vast majority of our colleges and universities means that only one viewpoint is primarily being taught — and that viewpoint is focused on Identity Politics which leads to unhealthy Tribalism and the false narratives of the Oppressors and the Oppressed, the Oppressive Patriarchy, Toxic Masculinity, and Gender being a social construct which is not determined solely by our biological birth sex, among others. If anyone dares to speak out with a different opinion about any of these topics, they are often bullied, silenced, and censored by rampant political correctness by both fellow students and professors.
Politically we have never been more divided, and that division sometimes even leads to unrest and violence in the streets and on our university campuses. The news media fans the flames of this division and is generally biased in its reporting, misleading millions by telling only half-truths and one side of the stories they broadcast over the airwaves and the internet. This has led to greater and greater divisions and animosity between the political Left and Right in the USA. Little gets accomplished in Washington D.C. as both parties obstruct and fight each other rather than work together to come to acceptable compromises so they can find genuine solutions for the problems facing the USA and the world.
The greatest challenge in the international realm is the ideological and power struggle between Democracy and Autocracy. Political, Theological, and Communist dictatorships (autocracies) such as Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea — and non-state actors such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda — are banding together to fight the current world order which is based on Western Judeo-Christian Liberal Democracy. This world order is globally defended and kept in place primarily by the USA and its military strength, which has been eroding. These autocratic countries are rising in military power and are already challenging the current Western Judeo-Christian Liberal Democratic world order and America on many fronts as the USA tries to protect the current world order. Because America’s military power and strength has significantly declined in the past 10 years, these rising Great Powers have enough combined strength to challenge the USA and win. A massive global confrontation is brewing, and the end result is not guaranteed.
But despite all the bad news and trends, there is also some good news. President Trump, no matter what you think of him as a person, is enacting policies at home and abroad that are buying the Church precious time to rise up in unity and work harder than ever before to initiate a nation-wide Awakening & Restoration Revival. Neither President Trump, the U.S. Military, the United Nations, nor any other entity can fix the world’s problems. According to the Apostle Paul, only the Church can bring positive transformational change in a fallen world:
We must use this borrowed time wisely and obey Jesus’ command:
A collaborative initiative is forming, comprised of many of the most significant international ministries and Local Church networks, to work together to spark a Awakening & Restoration Revival in America, claiming God’s promise in Jeremiah 18:
Major spiritual leaders of international ministries and local church networks have agreed to provide oversight to this collaborative Awakening & Restoration Revival movement with 50+ ministries on board. Other recognized leaders and international ministries are also considering joining this collaboration in the near future. Their individual and unique callings, anointings, and ministry focus are exactly what the Church lacks and needs in order to experience an Awakening & Restoration Revival.
1. We Would Have The Fire Of God In Our Personal Devotional Life
First — and most essentially — we would repair our relationship with the Lord, repent of our sins, and pursue holiness and sanctification. This has been the primary focus of former revivals, which are called “pietistic” revivals. This is the foundational requirement of an Awakening & Restoration Revival and is the most critical. A return to piety will lay the foundation for the next six requirements of an Awakening & Restoration Revival.
2. We Would Take Care Of The Physical And Social Needs Of Our Underprivileged Christian Brothers And Sisters In The Church.
One of the most effective ways the early Church demonstrated the truth of the Gospel to a lost and dying world was by their love and devotion to one another. The physical and social needs of their poor and vulnerable fellow christian brothers and sisters were both known and met through their fellowship and self-sacrificial giving. That same kind of concern and action is lacking, for the most part, in the modern day Church. This must change.
3. We Would Take Care Of The Physical And Social Needs Of The Underprivileged Outside The Church — As Much As We Are Enabled By God
The early Church also worked hard to meet the needs of the poor and vulnerable unbelievers all around them. Ministering to the sick and dying, sharing their limited food, and daily practicing other acts of self-sacrifice and mercy demonstrated the truth of the Gospel that Jesus preached:
4. We Would Unashamedly Evangelize Our Neighbors And Our Own City As A Lifestyle With An Attitude Of Love And Compassion
The early Church was aggressive about sharing their faith publicly in a society that was far more antagonistic and persecuting than ours. They were fearless! That’s why the book of Acts reports:
The renown researcher, George Barna, has reported that the vast majority of Christians in America rarely, if ever, share their faith at any time during their entire lives! If we are going to see an Awakening & Restoration Revival we must rally and train the Church in America to become evangelistic as a lifestyle.
5. We Would Have A Second Protestant Reformation
The world owes a tremendous debt to the men and women of God who launched the Protestant Church through the Reformation. While they were giants in bringing truths which had become distorted or neglected back into the Church, they unfortunately left behind some truths and theologies which are necessary to have a healthy Protestantism that is relevant in the 21st Century. The lack of these five theologies is what is causing the Protestant Church to lose its influence in every place where it has been the longest. Now, 501 years after the Reformation, it’s time to have a second Protestant Reformation by re-embracing historic biblical truths which have been neglected.
6. We Would Have A Significant Impact In The Seven Spheres Of Influence In Society To Guide Them Toward A Biblical Worldview
Less than 17% of Christians in America have a Biblical Worldview. This is the main reason that many sacred and secular institutions in American society are in severe decline or are dysfunctional. We must train the Body Of Christ in God’s view, found in the Bible, of what the Seven Spheres should look like so they can influence their Sphere in their daily work lives: Family - Religion - Education - Economics - Government - Arts & Entertainment - Media & Communications
7. We Would Recruit And Send 200,000 New Young Missionaries From The USA
There is a verse in Genesis that is the most often quoted verse in the Bible by the Bible. Paul tells us in that this verse is a key element of the Gospel message:Acts 3:24-25 and Hebrews 6:13-17 also quote that very same Old Testament verse:
God has called and commanded His Church to bring the Gospel to all all the nations of the world. Yet 2,000 years into the Church Age there are more than 3 billion Unreached Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist people outside the reach of the Gospel. These 3 billion Unreached People are concentrated in 7,087 separate Ethno-Linguistic Unreached People Groups in an area of the world called the 10/40 Window. Approximately 85% of the poverty in the world is concentrated in the 10/40 Window because the evil one reigns there, mostly unchallenged, through Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Almost 100% of the terrorism in the world has its origin in the 10/40 Window. Jesus tells us why:
America has been by far the largest sender and supporters of missionaries in the world for well over 100 years. But, starting in the year 2,000 — for the first time in spiritual history — the global missions force has declined. Most of that decline has come from the lack of new missionary sending by churches in the USA who are being lulled into complacency by the Late Decadent society around them. We’ve lost 40,000 American missionaries in the past 18 years at a time when the world needs missionaries more than ever to bring the Gospel to the darkest places in the world!
A true Awakening & Restoration Revival will require that we recruit, train, and send 200,000 new American missionaries to the nations in the 10/40 Window to plant the Church where it currently does not exist, and to translate the Bible into the 1,700 languages which still have no form of the Bible whatsoever.
We’re looking for people of all ages from 18 to 80+, and with all skills — or no skills at all, but who have a willing heart to learn — to join our ministry to serve this growing Spiritual Awakening and Biblical Restoration Revival initiative. We need people who will come with a 1 year, 2 year, or lifetime commitment to work for a Awakening & Restoration Revival in America and to bring the Gospel to the nations as part of this Revival — with a priority focus on church planting among the 3.2 Billion Unreached People in the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist worlds.
I’m asking the Lord to speak to you so that you’ll consider giving a portion of your life — or your whole life — to work with us for an Awakening & Restoration Revival in America.
The time is short.
The work is hard.
The laborers are few.
The rewards are eternal!
Training for new staff begins in Birmingham, AL, hosted by Church Of The Highlands — which is the second largest Church in America. Please pray about joining with us in this huge undertaking to work with our great God who is able to do mighty miracles and turn entire nations around! God has the power and desire to initiate an Awakening & Restoration Revival in the USA and to get the Gospel to the 3.2 billion Unreached People around the world. But... He needs people like you to rise up and dedicate your time, talent, and treasure to work with us as we lead and serve this new Awakening & Restoration Revival movement.